I’ll be there for you II

Hello there beautiful Friends! I hope you're having a pleasant week! As promised, and based on the fact that the famous F.R.I.E.N.D.S show is scheduled for a reunion this May, I've decided to dedicate a couple of posts to honor the great cast of this show. My previous I'll be there for you post was... Continue Reading →

First or last?

People talk a lot about their first love, about how special and precious it is, and how one can’t fully forget it. Being the hopeless romantic that I am, I always thought as a kid that my first love would be my last love as if somehow the universe would grant me the “one” from... Continue Reading →

I’ll be there for you

Hello there beautiful people!! God, I'm just kick-you-in-the-crotch, spit-on-your-neck kinda excited. (What, it's an expression!) Haven't you heard? F.R.I.E.N.D.S are reuniting for an HBO Max special! *Cries, smiles, screams, all at the same time.* The 6 friends announced it February 21st and let me just tell you that the internet CRASHED. A FRIENDS reunion has... Continue Reading →

2020 Routines

Hello beautiful people! how are you all doing? I hope life is treating you well and that you are feeling good and happy☀️ I can't believe February is almost over, how did that happen? Right?? January alone felt like a whole year but then February passed by as if it was a week! Was it... Continue Reading →

Caring is HUMAN

Hey there beautiful people! How are y’all doing? I hope life is treating you well! If you’re as active on social media as I am, you’d notice that every other person is now talking about politics and policies, especially those that affect us and the people around us. You see, political debates have gone from... Continue Reading →


Hello there beautiful people! Woah time flies, I can’t believe 2019 is over and we’re stepping into 2020. So before I go on any further, I want to wish you all a happy, healthy and joyful new year! As some of you might know, I’ve been going back and forth with my blog, I’ve told... Continue Reading →


In a matter of seconds, thousands of babies are born, In a matter of seconds, hundreds breathe their last breaths, A kid learns how to ride a bike, Two people share their first kiss And two random others part ways. In a matter of seconds, a new life begins and another is taken away, In... Continue Reading →

Inspiration from a drawing

Only a couple of my friends know that my bedroom wall is filled with drawings and doodles that I personally draw when I'm bored or feeling inspired. It's kind of my favorite thing in my room. There are also quotes on my wall, quotes that I find interesting or motivational, they could be a couple... Continue Reading →

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