A letter to my lover / Part II

This is a short story about a young woman who had to leave the one she loves due to unfortunate circumstances. One night, she finds herself incapable of keeping her feelings to herself, even though they parted ways, she has to tell him one last time how she feels, so she decides to write him... Continue Reading →

A letter to my lover / Part I

This is a short story about a young woman who had to leave the one she loves due to unfortunate circumstances. One night, she finds herself incapable of keeping her feelings to herself, even though they parted ways, she has to tell him one last time how she feels, so she decides to write him... Continue Reading →

Over you

Here’s to you;   I’m gonna miss you for quite some time; your jokes, your warmth , your voice and laugh , your texts and how one message could light up my whole day. I’m gonna fill myself with nostalgia, hoping and wishing it could’ve lasted until it hits me that it didn’t. I’ll walk... Continue Reading →

One more time II – Closer

“I never expected him.” she said. “After years of building high walls around my heart trying to protect it from breaking into a million of pieces, after putting the shattered parts back, after swearing never to fall for anyone ever again before making sure I wouldn’t regret it a while later, after finally getting over... Continue Reading →

One more time

*this is a short story with no need of any introduction.   3 years later, after thinking she’d gave up all hope, she picked up her phone finally willing to text him. She opened his conversation, looked at his name feeling her breaths slowly getting harder to take… her fingertips started moving slowly typing “... Continue Reading →

Life Lesson

There was once this old cobbler who lived all of his life working to put food on the table, and make sure his family got everything they needed. One day, that old man entered a lecturing room, all of the students looked at him mistaking him for their professor. To their surprise, the old man... Continue Reading →

Diary of a dreamer.

I woke up that day from a weird dream that seemed too real to just be called a dream… I went back to that particular stage in my life where I had everything once again… what I had in the past was mine at last. I had my old life back. I had the friends... Continue Reading →

Gods And Monsters

There she stood, watching them fight as if they never knew love. They fought. They yelled. They argued.you could see hatred burning brighter than sun rays in their eyes. She stood there, omnipresent, and watched them closely, kept an eye on them, not knowing whether to pray for them to work things out or to... Continue Reading →


"I'm sorry; It's over." he said while hanging up the phone. Earlier this month, it was getting worst between the two of them, and hard to be together. They were trying to hold on to each other, but sometimes, holding on hurts more than letting go. He was a famous political man, and she was... Continue Reading →

The Heart wants what it wants

She constantly reminded herself that she deserved better. She knew she deserved the kind of love, where she feels valued, loved, appreciated and most of all, respected. She knew she had to give up on the one she loved, for he didn't love her back. And why? She never knew. She was kind to him,... Continue Reading →

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