In the land of Gods

Hello hello beautiful people! I hope y’all are doing great! Today, I felt like sharing something that is really important to me. For the past few months, I actually had to deal with this topic as it presented itself multiple times. Wondering what that might be? *drum roll pleeeeaase* Religion! Yeah, that doesn’t sound like... Continue Reading →


I have voices in my head that try to bring me down, I have devils laying on my shoulders weighing me down, When I greet people, I shake their hands and with those hands, they pull me backwards, Yet sometimes they do so with the way they look at me, Just one look and I'm... Continue Reading →

A letter to my lover / Part II

This is a short story about a young woman who had to leave the one she loves due to unfortunate circumstances. One night, she finds herself incapable of keeping her feelings to herself, even though they parted ways, she has to tell him one last time how she feels, so she decides to write him... Continue Reading →

Seize the opportunity

When I decided to get back on my blog and write again, I thought about how great it would be to have blog-guests, and right after I thought of that, one particular person came to mind that would be the PERFECT first guest, and I wasn't wrong at all. This phenomenal lady has been part... Continue Reading →

Morning thought

Some days you wake up enthusiastic, Some, joyful and happy. On other days you wake up tired, and some mornings seem too dark even when the sunrays lighten your room. However, no matter how you feel waking up, Take a second and remember that you are LUCKY.... For you woke up.

A letter to my lover / Part I

This is a short story about a young woman who had to leave the one she loves due to unfortunate circumstances. One night, she finds herself incapable of keeping her feelings to herself, even though they parted ways, she has to tell him one last time how she feels, so she decides to write him... Continue Reading →

2017 Playlist

Hello hello, Beautiful Peooooople! How are you all? How's your summer so far? However you're spending it, I hope you're enjoying it! I know I've been away for a while now, and I also know this was my 3rd time leaving my blog in under one year, that's bad I know I know... However, this... Continue Reading →

1:12 AM

I’m not weak, only some people might think that I am because of my feminine look and kind heart. There are some events or small incidents in our life, or something really intense that open up doors we locked a long time ago. And when those doors open, we really can’t run from it anymore.... Continue Reading →


This goes out to every girl who has experienced sexual harassment, sexual assault, rape... To every woman who had to go through this alone, who was too afraid to speak out; You are strong. I'm here for you, the whole world is cheering for you for your bravery and courage. Salute. The diary of a... Continue Reading →


I’ve always been a fan of symbolism, I always find myself searching for symbols and their meanings, symbols from any culture you could think of. One specific symbol has caught my attention for some time now so I thought I’d share it with you. It’s a Viking symbol that, at first, doesn’t look like much... Continue Reading →

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