
” what are my chances, and what are wasted ones ?” i thought.

Throughout my 16 years of living, i got to admit, i missed out on many “Chances”.

It all started when i had the chance  to study a year abroad, and my parents freaked out because seeing me travel wasn’t a real option. They made a big deal out of  it… And i just let it go,  sadly.

Then, of course, Model United Nations, my biggest most amazing experience ever, i had the chance to win a scholarship to one of the best universities here in Lebanon, which is LAU . I put my head into it since November, i worked hard, stayed up late at night doing research and writing speeches… and i missed it. I remember the moment where they announced the results, and the name of our country wasn’t t said. Can’t lie, i got upset… but i tried to hide it and tried to handle it like it wasn’t a big deal…  but it was. On the other hand, MUN taught me a whole lot of things, that will definitely help me throughout my upcoming adventures.

Yesterday, my Arabic teacher told us all about a writing competition that is being held here in Lebanon… Apparently we had to write a story in Arabic… and the prizes are awesome. I was bumped that the writing had to be in Arabic…I spoke to my teacher telling her that i wrote something in English and I’m half way through it, and that i can translate it but the real awesome meaning behind each and every word used, would fade away. I can’t re-feel what i felt when writing… and that scared me a little bit. So  i passed.

But now, I’m thinking like… what if these were my chances and i didn’t nail them? what  if ?

4 thoughts on “Chances.

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  1. Those missed chances mate, lead up to other chances you WILL take. Cornerstones of a structure, an empire. Thinking about those chances, remember. They led up to where you are now. Where you will be.

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